Sindáng Nangíngirhat sa mga Kalág

An gabós na nangíngirhat sa mga kalág
bakóng mga matataktón. Sindá
mga bíhag nin katotoóhan.
Húli ta inaakò nindáng igwáng mga bágay
an daí bílog. An mga tásang
pasâ an kakaptán mahuhúlog,
mapápasâ kan siisáy man na máinom.
An mga gamgám na daí nakákalupad,
an saindáng mga bitís daí nanggád minásuhay
sa dagáng linálakawan.

Síring kaiyán an pag-akò nindá
na magín an kinâbán man
igwáng mga kakundían
síring sa mga maurán na tag-aláng,
o madidiklóm na aldáw.

Sindáng mga nangíngirhat sa mga kalág
nakákasábot na magín an táo
minsán kúlang, síring sa kalág
na garó saná asóng minasáyaw.
Nangíngirhat sindá
asín iní an pagpintakási nindá
kan katalingkásan sa háwak
na tampalásan.

They Who are Terrified by Ghosts

All those who are terrified by ghosts
are not coward. They are
captives of the truth.
Because they believe in things
that are wanting — teacups
with broken handles fall
and break when someone drinks from it.
The flightless fowls,
their feet never leave
the earth on which they saunter.

And oh, they accept that
even the world
is not spared from diseases
like the rainy summer
or those dark days.

They, who are terrified by ghosts
understand that even man
sometimes is incomplete, like a ghost
of dancing mist.
They are terrified
and this is their jubilation
after having been delivered
from the prodigal body.


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